Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Seville painter Sean P. Durham tells ArtTraveler about conundrum of selling works

"It must be good to die in the knowledge that one has done some truthful work and to know that, as a result, one will live on in the memory of at least a few and leave a good example for those who come after." Vincent van Gogh, 3 March 1878 in a letter to brother Theo.

My dearest friend and Spanish painter Jaime Adan once told me: "In Spain, if you throw a pebble into the air, you're bound to hit another artist."

One of them I hit on Linkedin wrote me this week, Sean P. Durham (seandurham2@yahoo.es) with a little of his backstory and philosophy. I would like to share it with you, as it resembles my own philosophy,

"I have always painted. It has been the armour of my soul and the life in my blood. Without it I become sad and life is boring.

"I have experienced both starving artist syndrome and successful selling artist.

"I love painting and sometimes find it hard to let go of a painting or see it sold. For this reason, I will often live with some of my best work for a year or two before exhibiting it or offering it for sale. Then it will often go into the hands of a person who has fallen in love with it and must have it. I like that. Those people are the art lovers of this world who deserve to own a good painting."

Sean likely strikes a nerve common to most of us.

Rock on and practice peace and love. See ArtTraveler's videos: http://bit.ly/i4lNW0

Stefan, the ArtTraveler(TM)

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